Compliance has never been simple. CloudRemedy comes with out-of-box support for multiple standards/frameworks and presented in intuitive dashboards to meet your GRC needs. Be it NIST CSF, CIS Cloud Benchmaks, PCI DSS or HITRUST - we've got you covered!
Continuous Monitoring
Monitor all your public cloud deployments continuously.
Multiple Industry Standards
Out of the box support for multiple industry standards.
Intuitive Dashboard
Easy to use dashboards that cleary highlight compliance status & NCIs.
Highly Configurable
Define custom standards and rules at cloud account level.
CloudRemedy offers a solution for calibrating balance between your organization's cyber security on cloud and rapid capability delivery needs. A fabulous start to a pressing challenge!
Reduced Time To Market
Avoid delays in business commitments, with our fully equipped tool right out-of-the-box.
Reduce Costs
Comply with your organization's certification processes without upfront capital investments.
Rapid DevOps
Empower DevOps teams with access to P/IaaS offerings they need minus compliance delays.
DevSecOps Enabled
Turbocharge your DevSecOps to match pace with DevOps. No more risk acceptances.
Risk & Controls
CloudRemedy offers leaders in Risk & Controls, across the three lines of defense, capabilites to define their custom control frameworks, gain near-real time visibility into compliance and enforcement solutions.
Gain a 360° visibility into the environment, a fundamental need for any R&C effort.
Continuous Monitoring
With near real-time public cloud deployment monitoring, your R&C is now near real-time too.
Highly Configurable
Manage varying requirements by different environments with ease! Flexibility where you need it.
Automated Reporting
Configure automated reports at the pace of your choice. Say goodbye stale reports!
Security Operations Center
Gartner predicts that by 2022, half of all SOCs will transform into modern-SOCs, that will include threat-intelligence and threat-hunting capabilities. With CloudRemedy, your Threat Hunting program will have a solid foundation to build-on.
Enable Threat Hunting
With 360° view of you network, your threat hunting teams will have all the info they need in near-real-time.
Rapid Threat Detection
Near-real-time reporting of changes & suspicious activities enable rapid threat detection.